How much of it is your effort?

Give 100% to your endeavor of choice. Let go of the results. Everything is manifest by divine timing and grace. Don’t give up the effort but give up the attachment to the results. Intuit the right action to take and then take it.  You can’t always see the big picture. Just know you are doing the right thing and keep moving forward. Keep your gaze between the eyebrows in meditation. Also known as the third eye, star of the East, inner eye, eye of intuition, Kutastha (Christ or Krishna consciousness center (insert your God of choice)) center, ajna chakra.

Basically it is out of our hands. Some days the stars are in alignment for everything to flow effortlessly and somedays you hit endless road blocks. Do everything you do in honor of the God or your super soul with love and be confident and joyous in your efforts.

Life is supposed to be fun. If the maya or your motion picture brings you the opposite of fun, remember you are here to make your way back to God Head?  to be part of God’s play? To give and receive love? I’m not sure of the answer, but I like all of these. If you have a better answer let me know.

In your self realization, it is said that it is 25% you, 25% your Guru and 50% God, that gets you there.

Eventually you will see this when you gaze at your spiritual eye in meditation.

spiritual eye

Posted in God, love, meditation, third eye and tagged , , .

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